Our lab is dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and their innovative applications in the biosystems domain, particularly in agriculture. We also explore foundational AI methodologies to bridge the gap between the rapid evolution of technology and its practical implementations across diverse industries. In agriculture, AI has emerged as a transformative tool for enhancing productivity and quality. We design AI architectures that can handle complex biological data streams and create adaptive learning systems that evolve with changing environmental conditions, always maintaining reliability despite noisy or incomplete field data. These challenges demand domain-specific knowledge and interdisciplinary collaboration, which our lab actively pursues. Beyond agricultural applications, our lab explores AI's potential in other domains, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and advancing AI's role as a versatile problem-solving tool. Inspired by the principles of cognitive science, we emphasize learning from experts across diverse fields, integrating their knowledge to create AI systems that are both innovative and grounded in real-world needs. Together, we strive to shape a sustainable, efficient, and inclusive future for agriculture and beyond through cutting-edge AI research and development.



Seokhun Choi, Hyeonseop Song, Jaechul Kim, Taehyeong Kim, Hoseok Do. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). Springer, Cham, 2025.

Juno Lee, Juchan Lee, Yoonseok Choi, Taehyeong Kim, Pahn-Shick Chang. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024.

Jung-Sun Gloria Kim, Seongje Moon, Junyoung Park, Taehyeong Kim, Soo Chung. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024.


Hyeonseop Song, Seokhun Choi, Hoseok Do, Chul Lee, Taehyeong Kim. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.

Taehyeong Kim, Dae-Hyun Lee, Kyoung-Chul Kim, Yong-Joo Kim. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG), 2023.

Taehyeong Kim, Dae-Hyun Lee, Wan-Soo Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang. Biosystems Engineering, 2023.

Hoseok Do, EunKyung Yoo, Taehyeong Kim, Chul Lee, Jin Young Choi. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.

Eon‐Suk Ko, Rana Abu‐Zhaya, Eun‐Sol Kim, Taehyeong Kim, Kyung‐Woon On, Hyunji Kim, Byoung‐Tak Zhang, Amanda Seidl. Infancy, 2023.


   AI-Based Integrated Decision Support System for Forest Fire Management (KFS, 2025~)
   AI-Driven Precision Feeding Technology for Korean Cattle Genetic Potential (SME, 2024~)
   AI-Based Analysis Methods for High-Resolution TEM Images (Samsung Electronics, 2024~)
   Embedded System for Signal Analysis with AI in Plasma Semiconductor Processes (SICNS, 2024)
   Cutting-edge Technologies for Plant Health and Convergence Researcher Training (IPET, 2024~)
   AI-Based Prediction and Validation of Plant-Microbe Interactions Under Climate Change (SNU, 2024~)
   INTEND: Intent-based Data Operation in Cognitive Computing Continuum (Horizon Europe, 2023~)
   Development of AI Technologies for Data-Driven Agriculture (SNU, 2023~)

Our team

Prof. Taehyeong Kim

Principal Investigator taehyeong.kim@snu.ac.kr

Kyoungmin Lee

PhD Stud. / Cognitive Science kay.hrd@gmail.com

Woosang Jeon

MS Stud. / Biosystems Engineering jwoosang1@snu.ac.kr

Sanghyeok Choi

MS Stud. / Biosystems Engineering cholsang83@snu.ac.kr

Kyuseok Yang

MS Stud. / Biosystems Engineering kyuseok0603@snu.ac.kr

Seungwoo Lee

MS Stud. / Biosystems Engineering seungwoolee@snu.ac.kr

Minwoo Kim

Research Intern kmw2622@naver.com

Taehyun Jung

Research Intern jth135@snu.ac.kr